mainsleaze companies that spam, and esps that help them. rss feed about this blog mitä mainsleaze-roskaposti on? (fi) what is mainsleaze spam? the faqs the faqs in english faq: why won’t you tell us what email address was spammed? faq: why are you doing this? faq: what can i do with the information in these blogs? faq: but i didn’t mean to spam! what should i do? the faqs in finnish faq (fi): miksi ette kerro, mihin osoitteisiin roskaposti tuli? the bloggers contacts sep 04 on the forensic capabilities of leadforensics the study of forensics refers to scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime. it is an odd choice of name for what i think is a data seller, especially one whose targeting seems poor enough to be spamming me. they claim to want to help me generate more leads for my website, but my website doesn’t sell anything. i do not really need any leads. they are sending from ip address, which appears to be an email platform called message focus or adestra. from what i can tell, the only forensic capability this entity has shown me is that they seem to buy b2b spam leads, which is very disappointing. posted on september 4th, 2018 posted by charles messier 1 comment » filed under: other issues , spam report , spamming company tags: aug 31 siltaraha oy / finlandia finance oy in may 2016, a finnish b2b financing company (or “payday loans for businesses”, if you like) called siltaraha oy ( www , biz reg , people responsible ) started advertising its activities in b2b spam to purchased lists. read more… posted on august 31st, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: spam report , spamming company tags: b2b spam , outdated and erroneous personal information , purchased lists , siltaraha oy , jul 28 new finnish b2b spammer: / here’s the culprit domains have been registered a week ago. the li profile indicates the operation has started in july 2018. the people whose network the spam was sent from already know. not just abuse@, the actual people. if you’re reading this, mr. a, take my advice: stop now. posted on july 28th, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: spam report , spamming company tags: , jul 27 rule #4: the natural course of a spamming business is to go bankrupt. read more… posted on july 27th, 2018 posted by infinitemho 1 comment » filed under: spamming company tags: hansaleads oy , jul 01 june 2018 in spamtraps: esps esp spam seen in spamtraps, june 2018 read more… posted on july 1st, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: esp problem , spam report tags: meta , statistics jun 04 a three-month look at spamtraps: esps good morning, munich… posted on june 4th, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: esp problem , spam report tags: meta , statistics may 01 hostinger international: fraudulent hosting provider according to hostinger international these people have recommended their services: too bad none of the people exist (all of the names are phony) and a trivial google image search reveals that the images are from commonly available image banks, such as “ida & paavo”, whose image is cropped from . don’t trust these people. posted on may 1st, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: isp problem tags: bogus , falsified , fraud mar 01 a four-month look at spamtraps: esps november 2017 to february 2018 in spamtraps: esps nuff said. all the data is there and questions are welcome, either in comments to this article or in other avenues. just haven’t gotten around to writing it up. posted on march 1st, 2018 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: esp problem , spam report tags: meta , statistics nov 19 october 2017 in spamtraps: esps esp spam seen in spamtraps, october 2017 read more… posted on november 19th, 2017 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: esp problem , spam report tags: meta , statistics oct 25 the four horsemen of finnish spam if you sent finnish b2b spam recently… your spam is illegal if it does not identify the sender (section 15 of the business information act , 244/2001). your spam is illegal if it does not identify the spam list (section 25 of the personal data act , 523/1999). your spam list is illegal because it contains outdated and erroneous personal information (section 9 of the personal data act). if you bought a list, you can’t avoid this. your spamming is illegal because you hit natural persons with no business context (section 200 of the information society code , 917/2014). if you bought a list, it contains outdated and erroneous personal information and you can’t avoid this. bonus item: if you own a product or a service and bought a spam campaign from somebody else, you are responsible for failures regarding the above even if you’ve never seen the materials. posted on october 25th, 2017 posted by infinitemho no comment » filed under: other issues tags: finland , legal , meta previous » search for: categories email security esp problem isp problem other issues spam report spamming company recent posts on the forensic capabilities of leadforensics siltaraha oy / finlandia finance oy new finnish b2b spammer: / rule #4: the natural course of a spamming business is to go bankrupt. june 2018 in spamtraps: esps recent comments infinitemho on on the forensic capabilities of leadforensics kanimies on ratekoulutus: teaching spamtraps how to advertise on google kanimies on gelo oy: spamming to sell training on online shops infinitemho on rule #4: the natural course of a spamming business is to go bankrupt. infinitemho on estonian spammer urmo mark whining infinitemho on hansaleads goes cartooney infinitemho on hansaleads goes cartooney infinitemho on ratekoulutus: teaching spamtraps how to advertise on google infinitemho on nordstrom: more high-end clothing for a spamtrap infinitemho on new finnish spam list vendor: anti-spam organizations cauce maawg blacklists & whitelists emailbasura invaluement msbl ebl psbl scientificspam spamcop spamhaus suomispam surbl uribl email blogs dynamoo emailkarma internet email policy & practice spam resource spamtacular the magill report word to the wise security blogs brian krebs dancho danchev graham cluley sans isc team cymru terry zink webroot spam filters rspamd spamassassin spam research enemieslist meta log in entries rss comments rss copyright 2011-2017 by the individual bloggers. all rights reserved. a project of the spambouncer go back to top